
I chose the name “fitness for the occasion” to reflect the notion of Kairos as it applies to rhetoric.

One can think of Kairos as correct action at the correct moment. Adaptability is another sense of the word.

My name is Dan. My email address is simply my wordpress username (and blogname) at gmail.

Creative Commons License

This blog and all original content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

15 Responses

  1. I didn’t realize that you were inside the beltway. That is great. I live in Northern Virginia also.

  2. I think your site is very interesting, and I added your link to my blogroll on my political site…


  3. Hi added you to my Blog Roll, keep up the good work

  4. I added a Ron Paul comment and the button clicked twice, Please delete one. I don’t want you to think I am spamming! 🙂

    (You can tell it was an accidental duplicate because it’s the exact same thing…thanks)

  5. Hey…I wanted to ask you another question. I’m looking for a couple people to do a guest post on my blogs the week of July 23rd. I was wondering if you would consider doing one for my Informed Voters site. It could be on anything you want, and I would give you full credit for the post and link back to your site.

    If this is something you would like to do, drop me an email at
    catherinesblog at yahoo dot com — The only requirements would be that you email me the post before July 23rd, and check the comments a few times to see if you need to respond to any comments generated by your post.


  6. Hey my brother – want a scoop? Listen to the Ron Paul at Google interview – http://www.justin.tv/ronpaul/7733 . The man just said he would indeed change the “don’t ask don’t tell: policy in the military.

  7. Hey I have favor to ask. Can you change your blogroll link to my blog to http://www.bluebloggin.com. I recently moved off of wordpress.com and would appreciate the correction. Thanks.

  8. NH, If you tried to hit the button twice you would probably get the same message that polls give when you try to vote twice “sorry you already did that you can’t do it again” so you or poll voters don’t have to worry about spam because you can’t do it. If you could do it I wouldn’t waste my time with that poll or that website if they are too cheap or ignorant to have a poll that allowed it. I figure the big name pollsters have the deluxe edition polling methods and therefore the polls weren’t spammed, breaking 128 bit encryption isn’t as easy as copying paper votes.

  9. I’ve always found the idea of “kairos” to fascinating, and I can definitely approve of your political positions. Keep up the good work!

  10. Hey Dan. It seems like we have a few things in common. I did my undergrad in psychology research and cognitive science (at the University of Toronto). And now, like you, I’ve got a politically-oriented blog going, though I also focus on major issues in cognitive science and philosophy.

    See you around in the blogosphere.


  11. Hi, Dan. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I live in Virginia too and I have recently become interested in politics, but mostly my blog is about me and my family. Anyway, it’s important to me to support Ron Paul, but I understand that not everyone is going to agree with me. 🙂 I like the idea of the correct action in the correct time. I hope I’m doing the right thing by commenting here.

  12. Incidentally, I actually lived in northern Va. (Falls Church) for 6 months when I was a Capitol reporter for CongressDaily, covering the Senate. This was Pre-Obama but during Hillary’s first term. I really enjoyed my time there and would move back if I got the chance. I’d like to make another trip back there once the Newseum re-opens downtown; I’m such a journalism nerd.

  13. I like your site.

  14. After posting a comment back to your Post where you quoted me – (sounds like a Lily Tomlin routine) – I came back to read about you. I see where we connect, even though I’m twice your age. We have similar interests. You’re a conscious thinker. That’s where your studies have focused. Conscious thinkers observe, evaluate, question, and are open to influence. Basically they look into a deeper meaning of life. And with that…

    They seek to communicate- to bring together, to understand, to create a shared understanding. True, it’s not always living in “agreement”. But maturely agreeing to disagree is communication as well.

    Kairos is about tuning into what’s needed in the moment. That’s also a very high spiritual concept. It requires living objectively in the present – (how many of us are ruled by or trapped in the past and future, our judgments, concepts, etc.?) – and then taking the appropriate course of action, which is not always black-and-white. If it were, that would be easy. It’s all gray when there are so many facets to the diamond. That’s why “right action” requires subdtlety of understanding.

    I’ve studied and practiced Eastern philosophy and it’s exactly the same focus of living.

    Or as you call it “fitness for the occasion”. I like that. Makes me think of disciplined athletes. Trained and ready “to be”.

  15. Excellent site you have here, Dan. Keep up the good work.

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